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Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Afghanistan and Iraq: Failed States or Failed Wars?
Lakhdar Brahimi, Director’s Visitor
Lecture on Public Policy presented at the Institute for Advanced Study
March 28, 2007
すごくカジュアルで、でもブラヒミさんの情緒が現れてくるので、読みがいがあった。Milton Bearden なんて人の発言も引用されていて、おっ、さすがに色々読むんだなと思うと、ブラヒミさんの私生活がちょっと見えるような気もする。Milton Bearden はカブール・ノートかイスラム・コラムかなんかで引用したことがあると思うけど、忘れた。日本では未来永劫読まれないのかもしれない。
しかし、引用といえば、もうこれ(↓)に尽きる。これを読んで目噛んで死のうと思わない人は全世界に一人もいないんじゃないだろうか。ムカついて、胃腸がハチの巣になりそうだ。一人ではとうてい悶え切れないので、もっと衝撃度が高そうな、世界遺産の保存に日夜、血と汗を流して走り回っているUNESCOの Aさんに原稿を送ってあげた。今頃、胃から血が噴出して入院してるかもしれない。
“Another residue of the war of occupation is the intrusion of military facilities on Iraqi cultural sites. Some American facilities have done enormous – occasionally irreparable – damage. In one of the tragedies of the American occupation, one of these bases was built on top of the Babylon World Heritage archaeological site. When they entered Babylon, American troops turned the site into a base camp, flattening and compressing tracts of ruins as they built a helicopter pad and fuel stations. The soldiers filled sandbags with archaeological fragments and dug trenches through unexcavated areas, while tanks crushed slabs of original 2,600-year-old pavings… Babylon was not the only casualty. The five-thousand-year-old site of Kish is perhaps the next most damaged”. (George McGovern and William R. Polk, Out of Iraq, p.110, 111).
アマゾンでOut of Iraq を注文した。1,672円。
Afghanistan and Iraq: Failed States or Failed Wars?
Lakhdar Brahimi, Director’s Visitor
Lecture on Public Policy presented at the Institute for Advanced Study
March 28, 2007
すごくカジュアルで、でもブラヒミさんの情緒が現れてくるので、読みがいがあった。Milton Bearden なんて人の発言も引用されていて、おっ、さすがに色々読むんだなと思うと、ブラヒミさんの私生活がちょっと見えるような気もする。Milton Bearden はカブール・ノートかイスラム・コラムかなんかで引用したことがあると思うけど、忘れた。日本では未来永劫読まれないのかもしれない。
しかし、引用といえば、もうこれ(↓)に尽きる。これを読んで目噛んで死のうと思わない人は全世界に一人もいないんじゃないだろうか。ムカついて、胃腸がハチの巣になりそうだ。一人ではとうてい悶え切れないので、もっと衝撃度が高そうな、世界遺産の保存に日夜、血と汗を流して走り回っているUNESCOの Aさんに原稿を送ってあげた。今頃、胃から血が噴出して入院してるかもしれない。
“Another residue of the war of occupation is the intrusion of military facilities on Iraqi cultural sites. Some American facilities have done enormous – occasionally irreparable – damage. In one of the tragedies of the American occupation, one of these bases was built on top of the Babylon World Heritage archaeological site. When they entered Babylon, American troops turned the site into a base camp, flattening and compressing tracts of ruins as they built a helicopter pad and fuel stations. The soldiers filled sandbags with archaeological fragments and dug trenches through unexcavated areas, while tanks crushed slabs of original 2,600-year-old pavings… Babylon was not the only casualty. The five-thousand-year-old site of Kish is perhaps the next most damaged”. (George McGovern and William R. Polk, Out of Iraq, p.110, 111).
アマゾンでOut of Iraq を注文した。1,672円。
Thursday, April 12, 2007
アフガニスタンの外務省の大きな会議場のようなところに円卓がたくさん散らばって、ちゃんとフォーマルな格好をした人たちが円卓の席のついていた。200 人くらいかな。絶対にネクタイだけはしてこいと渉外担当のリサがうるさく言うのだけど、カブールにはそもそもスーツみたいなものを持って来ていないので、よれよれのコットンパンツに、砂がしみこんで真っ白に見える元茶色の靴を履いてネクタイをして軍服みたいな色のジャケットを着ていったが、色も素材も何もあってない。ひどい格好だとは思ったが、歳をとるとそういうのがどうでもよくなるのがまた怖い。アミールは無謀にも裏地が花柄の派手なスーツの下に黒いシャツを着てネクタイどころかボタンを三つくらい外して平気な顔していた。ほとんどチンピラにしか見えない。
Mr. Mohammad Sediq
Chief of Operations
United Nations Mine Action Center for Afghanistan (UNMACA)
Dinner on 29 March 2007
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kabul, Afghanistan
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my great honor to be here with you this evening.
I want to tell you a little bit about myself, and how I come to be speaking to you this evening. It has been quite a long journey.
I became the Chief of Operations at UNMACA in November of last year. This was the first senior management post ever to be nationalized at UNMACA and I’m sure is the start of many more to come.
Although I received a new title just a few months ago, I am not a newcomer to mine action. I have been with the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan since its very beginning. I started out as a surveyor/deminer with the Afghan mine action NGO called the Mine Clearance and Planning Agency, MCPA, in 1990 when I was just 20 years old. Throughout all of my adult life, I have worked in various positions in mine action, including team leader, operations assistant and area manager, in various regions of Afghanistan.
Remarkably, I am not alone. There are many men like me, who have been a part of mine action for almost two decades, who have devoted their lives to the cause, who have risked their lives to clear Afghanistan. It’s because of this loyalty and dedication that the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan is not just an organization, but a family that extends to the far reaches of Afghanistan.
I have known many of the people at UNMACA and the implementing partners for years now. These men have become some of the best experts in mine action in the world and some of the world’s most passionate advocates of mine action. It’s directly due to the courage and the exhausting work of these men that 60 percent of all the contaminated land that existed in Afghanistan has been cleared to date.
When I began in 1990, the field of mine action was still in its dawn. Deminers wore no PPE, the Personal Protective Equipment that today includes a Kevlar helmet, chest armour and apron armour that altogether can weigh up to 14 kilograms. The deminers then had very little training and had only most basic of equipment. Thanks to the support of the international community, deminers today no longer have to go out into the field with just the shirt on their back. They have some of the most advanced equipment to protect themselves and clear their country.
Sadly, demining will never be a risk-free job. I was part of a group of 21 young Afghan Refugees who were deployed into the field for doing technical survey of the mined areas 17 years ago. Only 5 of them are not killed or injured by mines. Many of those men I worked with paid the ultimate price to clear their country, and deminers are still sacrificing their lives. In 2006 alone, three deminers were killed and 33 were injured while they cleared Afghanistan of mines and unexploded ordnance.
Deminers these days encounter other threats besides those lurking in the ground. Astonishingly, deminers who are willing to lay down their lives for the future of Afghanistan have increasingly become the victim of insurgent attacks over the past years. Last year, four deminers were killed and six were injured due to insurgent attacks.
Demining is incredibly dangerous. Demining is incredibly difficult. Why do these people that I have worked with closely since 1990 do it? They do it for the simplest and best of reasons. They want a better Afghanistan. They want an Afghanistan that is safe for their children, an Afghanistan where farmers can plant crops without fear, an Afghanistan that is primed for development and an Afghanistan that is completely free from the scars of war, an Afghanistan that can provide another work to them.
I remember the last words from one of our colleagues Mr. Eng Nazar Gul? who was very deeply injured by the blast of an Anti personnel mine while we were working in a minefield in Sarde Dam of Ghazni, he was without both hands, both eyes and had a deep injury in his thigh and numerous other injuries on his body. While he had only a couple of more hours to live due to the lack of medical facility while his eyes were fastened and was shaking due to pain he was feeling told us: Continue your struggle until the last mine – the enemy of humanity in Afghanistan is destroyed. I will never forget this.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of men that are out in the field every day risking their lives for Afghanistan are not here tonight. As you well know, they are the true heroes of this night. But they are humble people, and I know that if they were here they would thank you for your support over the years. And they would hope that you will stay with them through the end – until their mission is accomplished and Afghanistan is finally free of the threat of mines and unexploded ordnance.
As I’m standing here, before of you, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that Afghans can make it, as I did. In 1990, I was on the ground searching the dirt of my country for mines, and, today, I am speaking to you at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the chief of operations for the entire mine action programme.
Hard work and dedication has its rewards: I am optimistic that my country will prove that to the world, one day. Hard work and dedication have removed more than half the mine problem in Afghanistan already, and there will come a day very soon with the continued hard work and dedication of all of us here tonight and all those in the field, that the very last mine will be removed from Afghanistan.
This short movie is to pay a tribute to the men of the mine action programme for Afghanistan who have contributed to a safer environment for all of us, and to honour to all the donors who have made this possible.
Thank you very much.
アフガニスタンの外務省の大きな会議場のようなところに円卓がたくさん散らばって、ちゃんとフォーマルな格好をした人たちが円卓の席のついていた。200 人くらいかな。絶対にネクタイだけはしてこいと渉外担当のリサがうるさく言うのだけど、カブールにはそもそもスーツみたいなものを持って来ていないので、よれよれのコットンパンツに、砂がしみこんで真っ白に見える元茶色の靴を履いてネクタイをして軍服みたいな色のジャケットを着ていったが、色も素材も何もあってない。ひどい格好だとは思ったが、歳をとるとそういうのがどうでもよくなるのがまた怖い。アミールは無謀にも裏地が花柄の派手なスーツの下に黒いシャツを着てネクタイどころかボタンを三つくらい外して平気な顔していた。ほとんどチンピラにしか見えない。
Mr. Mohammad Sediq
Chief of Operations
United Nations Mine Action Center for Afghanistan (UNMACA)
Dinner on 29 March 2007
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kabul, Afghanistan
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my great honor to be here with you this evening.
I want to tell you a little bit about myself, and how I come to be speaking to you this evening. It has been quite a long journey.
I became the Chief of Operations at UNMACA in November of last year. This was the first senior management post ever to be nationalized at UNMACA and I’m sure is the start of many more to come.
Although I received a new title just a few months ago, I am not a newcomer to mine action. I have been with the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan since its very beginning. I started out as a surveyor/deminer with the Afghan mine action NGO called the Mine Clearance and Planning Agency, MCPA, in 1990 when I was just 20 years old. Throughout all of my adult life, I have worked in various positions in mine action, including team leader, operations assistant and area manager, in various regions of Afghanistan.
Remarkably, I am not alone. There are many men like me, who have been a part of mine action for almost two decades, who have devoted their lives to the cause, who have risked their lives to clear Afghanistan. It’s because of this loyalty and dedication that the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan is not just an organization, but a family that extends to the far reaches of Afghanistan.
I have known many of the people at UNMACA and the implementing partners for years now. These men have become some of the best experts in mine action in the world and some of the world’s most passionate advocates of mine action. It’s directly due to the courage and the exhausting work of these men that 60 percent of all the contaminated land that existed in Afghanistan has been cleared to date.
When I began in 1990, the field of mine action was still in its dawn. Deminers wore no PPE, the Personal Protective Equipment that today includes a Kevlar helmet, chest armour and apron armour that altogether can weigh up to 14 kilograms. The deminers then had very little training and had only most basic of equipment. Thanks to the support of the international community, deminers today no longer have to go out into the field with just the shirt on their back. They have some of the most advanced equipment to protect themselves and clear their country.
Sadly, demining will never be a risk-free job. I was part of a group of 21 young Afghan Refugees who were deployed into the field for doing technical survey of the mined areas 17 years ago. Only 5 of them are not killed or injured by mines. Many of those men I worked with paid the ultimate price to clear their country, and deminers are still sacrificing their lives. In 2006 alone, three deminers were killed and 33 were injured while they cleared Afghanistan of mines and unexploded ordnance.
Deminers these days encounter other threats besides those lurking in the ground. Astonishingly, deminers who are willing to lay down their lives for the future of Afghanistan have increasingly become the victim of insurgent attacks over the past years. Last year, four deminers were killed and six were injured due to insurgent attacks.
Demining is incredibly dangerous. Demining is incredibly difficult. Why do these people that I have worked with closely since 1990 do it? They do it for the simplest and best of reasons. They want a better Afghanistan. They want an Afghanistan that is safe for their children, an Afghanistan where farmers can plant crops without fear, an Afghanistan that is primed for development and an Afghanistan that is completely free from the scars of war, an Afghanistan that can provide another work to them.
I remember the last words from one of our colleagues Mr. Eng Nazar Gul? who was very deeply injured by the blast of an Anti personnel mine while we were working in a minefield in Sarde Dam of Ghazni, he was without both hands, both eyes and had a deep injury in his thigh and numerous other injuries on his body. While he had only a couple of more hours to live due to the lack of medical facility while his eyes were fastened and was shaking due to pain he was feeling told us: Continue your struggle until the last mine – the enemy of humanity in Afghanistan is destroyed. I will never forget this.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of men that are out in the field every day risking their lives for Afghanistan are not here tonight. As you well know, they are the true heroes of this night. But they are humble people, and I know that if they were here they would thank you for your support over the years. And they would hope that you will stay with them through the end – until their mission is accomplished and Afghanistan is finally free of the threat of mines and unexploded ordnance.
As I’m standing here, before of you, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that Afghans can make it, as I did. In 1990, I was on the ground searching the dirt of my country for mines, and, today, I am speaking to you at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the chief of operations for the entire mine action programme.
Hard work and dedication has its rewards: I am optimistic that my country will prove that to the world, one day. Hard work and dedication have removed more than half the mine problem in Afghanistan already, and there will come a day very soon with the continued hard work and dedication of all of us here tonight and all those in the field, that the very last mine will be removed from Afghanistan.
This short movie is to pay a tribute to the men of the mine action programme for Afghanistan who have contributed to a safer environment for all of us, and to honour to all the donors who have made this possible.
Thank you very much.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
blue grey
久しぶりに自分の作った blue grey という名のPlaylist をボーっと聞きながら iTunes をさわっていたら、曲名が書き出せることを発見した。blue grey に合う曲を集めて選んだつもりだったけど、今聞いてみると、ただ単に好きな曲が入ってるだけだった。
Song title, Artist
7 Seconds, Youssou N'Dour
Fly Away From Here, Aerosmith
See The Sky About To Rain, The Byrds
Bad Day, Daniel Powter
Sacrifice, Elton John
Little Wing, Jimi Hendrix
Since I've Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
Illegal (Album Version), Shakira Feat. Carlos Santana
Everything's Gonna Be Alright, Sweetbox
Everybody's Stoned, Wet Willie
The Man Who Sold The World, Jordis Unga
Baby, I Love Your Way, Mig Ayesa
Amanda, Boston
More Than Words, Extreme
Hold Me, Charlie Sexton
WINTER SONG ("雪のクリスマス" Worldwide Version), DREAMS COME TRUE
Don't Dream It's Over, Crowded House
Leader Of The Band, Dan Fogelberg
Without You, Janis Ian
Your Song, Elton John
Imagine, John Lennon
Confide In Me, Kylie Minogue
No Secrets, Rob Mullins
Lay Your Hands, Simon Webbe
Shape Of My Heart, Sting
Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega
Workin' On A Groove, Jody Watley
Backdoor Man, Viktor Lazlo
Heal The World, Michael Jackson
Open Your Eyes, Bill LaBounty
Sonny Say You Will, Alannah Myles
Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton
One More Try, George Michael
I Wish It Would Rain Down, Phil Collins
You're Only Lonely, J.D. Souther
Nothing Compares 2 U, Sinéad O'Connor
Wild World, Mr. Big
One Of Us, Joan Osborne
Too Much Love Will Kill You, Queen
Let It Grow, Eric Clapton
Cause We've Ended As Lovers, Jeff Beck
While My Guitar Gently Weeps, The Beatles
It's So Easy, Sheryl Crow
Who'll Stop The Rain, Creedence Clearwater Revival
Love Profusion, Madonna
No Woman, No Cry ( Trenchtown Dub ), Bob Marley
Angie, The Rolling Stones
罪と罰, 椎名林檎
Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd
Losing My Religion, R.E.M.
ノンノン人形, Saint Etienne
Run, Baby, Run, Sheryl Crow
America, Simon & Garfunkel
雨の街を, 荒井由実
Sunday Morning, The Velvet Underground
Space Oddity, David Bowie
Don't Speak, No Doubt
Woman, John Lennon & Yoko Ono
A Whiter Shade Of Pale, Procol Harum
Head Over Feet, Alanis Morissette
Love Is, Alannah Myles
Lover Of Mine, Alannah Myles
a piece of memory, 相川七瀬
Tears In Heaven, Eric Clapton
Maggie May, Rod Stewart
Get Here, Oleta Adams
Some Kind Of Bliss, Kylie Minogue
Reason Why, Rachael Yamagata
Be Mine, R.E.M.
All 'bout The Money, Meja
久しぶりに自分の作った blue grey という名のPlaylist をボーっと聞きながら iTunes をさわっていたら、曲名が書き出せることを発見した。blue grey に合う曲を集めて選んだつもりだったけど、今聞いてみると、ただ単に好きな曲が入ってるだけだった。
Song title, Artist
7 Seconds, Youssou N'Dour
Fly Away From Here, Aerosmith
See The Sky About To Rain, The Byrds
Bad Day, Daniel Powter
Sacrifice, Elton John
Little Wing, Jimi Hendrix
Since I've Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
Illegal (Album Version), Shakira Feat. Carlos Santana
Everything's Gonna Be Alright, Sweetbox
Everybody's Stoned, Wet Willie
The Man Who Sold The World, Jordis Unga
Baby, I Love Your Way, Mig Ayesa
Amanda, Boston
More Than Words, Extreme
Hold Me, Charlie Sexton
WINTER SONG ("雪のクリスマス" Worldwide Version), DREAMS COME TRUE
Don't Dream It's Over, Crowded House
Leader Of The Band, Dan Fogelberg
Without You, Janis Ian
Your Song, Elton John
Imagine, John Lennon
Confide In Me, Kylie Minogue
No Secrets, Rob Mullins
Lay Your Hands, Simon Webbe
Shape Of My Heart, Sting
Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega
Workin' On A Groove, Jody Watley
Backdoor Man, Viktor Lazlo
Heal The World, Michael Jackson
Open Your Eyes, Bill LaBounty
Sonny Say You Will, Alannah Myles
Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton
One More Try, George Michael
I Wish It Would Rain Down, Phil Collins
You're Only Lonely, J.D. Souther
Nothing Compares 2 U, Sinéad O'Connor
Wild World, Mr. Big
One Of Us, Joan Osborne
Too Much Love Will Kill You, Queen
Let It Grow, Eric Clapton
Cause We've Ended As Lovers, Jeff Beck
While My Guitar Gently Weeps, The Beatles
It's So Easy, Sheryl Crow
Who'll Stop The Rain, Creedence Clearwater Revival
Love Profusion, Madonna
No Woman, No Cry ( Trenchtown Dub ), Bob Marley
Angie, The Rolling Stones
罪と罰, 椎名林檎
Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd
Losing My Religion, R.E.M.
ノンノン人形, Saint Etienne
Run, Baby, Run, Sheryl Crow
America, Simon & Garfunkel
雨の街を, 荒井由実
Sunday Morning, The Velvet Underground
Space Oddity, David Bowie
Don't Speak, No Doubt
Woman, John Lennon & Yoko Ono
A Whiter Shade Of Pale, Procol Harum
Head Over Feet, Alanis Morissette
Love Is, Alannah Myles
Lover Of Mine, Alannah Myles
a piece of memory, 相川七瀬
Tears In Heaven, Eric Clapton
Maggie May, Rod Stewart
Get Here, Oleta Adams
Some Kind Of Bliss, Kylie Minogue
Reason Why, Rachael Yamagata
Be Mine, R.E.M.
All 'bout The Money, Meja
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