Sunday, April 12, 2009

読書めも - Children are from Heaven

CHILDREN ARE FROM HEAVEN, John Gray, Ph.D. (pp. xxiv-xxv)より。

---Past parenting approaches sought to create obedient children. The goal of positive parenting is to create strong-willed but cooperative children. A child's will doesn't have to be broken in order to create cooperation. Children are from heaven. When their hearts are open and their will is nurtured, they actually are more willing to cooperate.

The goal of positive parenting is to create
willful but cooperative children.

---Past parenting approaches were aimed at creating good children. Positive parenting creates compassionate children, who don't have to be threatened to follow rules, but spontaneously act and make decisions from an open heart. They do not lie or cheat because it is against the rules, but they are fair and just. Morality is not imposed on these children from outside, but emerges from within and is learned by cooperating with their parents.

Rather than seeking to create good children,
positive parenting seeks to create
compassionate children.

---Past parenting approaches focused on creating submission; positive parenting aims to develop confident leaders, who are capable of creating their own destiny, not just passively following in the footsteps of others before them. These confident children are aware of who they are and what they want to accomplish.

Confident children are not easily swayed by peer
pressure nor do they feel the need to revel.

(PP xxxii-xxxiii)

---The five positive messages are:
1. It's okay to be different.
2. It's okay to make mistakes.
3. It's okay to express negative emotions.
4. It's okay to want more.
5. It's okay to say no, but remember mom and dad are the bosses.


---These five messages will set your children free to develop their God-given abilities. When practiced correctly with the different skills of positive parenting, your child will develop the necessary skills for successful living. Some of these skills are: forgiveness of others and themselves, sharing, delayed gratification, self-esteem, patience, persistence, respect for others and themselves, cooperation, compassion, confidence, and the ability to be happy....


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